ThwumpiNg great favors

Thumbnail of the map 'ThwumpiNg great favors'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ashtheman14
Tags author:ashtheman14 playable rated
Created 2010-01-30
Last Modified 2010-01-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This map demonstrates the use of thwumps in a unique way.
make sure you've played "thwump cannon blast" or you may not be able to complete it.
Have (some) fun!


Pages: (0)

Agreed with XY

Its okay >.>

(btw, on my map, the thumbnail is SUPPOSE to look like that.)


try not to write with gold, kay?
like a worldwide chatroom, but its only a little comment usually. NUMA isnt 100% about mapping. more like 88%

Welc0m3 2 NUMA
what has that got to do with my level?

so cool

im 13 uk birthday 18th july

3-year old map

:o oldschool

Welcome to NUMA^^

You want advice? ...
- Try to not write something with gold or mines (looks bad).
- Try to avoid long times in which nothing happens (like here with the bounceblocks).
- Try to use less enemies (many enemies of the same kind placed next to each other are mostly senseless).

Yeah... And these thwump mechanics are pretty common, by the way :P

OK btw...

did you know this map was made 3 years ago?


The tiles are good here, but don't keep editing the map. Make another map, but not the same as the other ones. Also, use different tiles and in different styles. It helps alot.

Good advice

Thanks for that. anything else?
(the gold hiding the mines has been removed)
it annoys people.