
Thumbnail of the map 'Splattermafied.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author FusionCoil
Tags ator author:fusioncoil nreality rated
Created 2010-03-07
Last Modified 2010-03-07
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description /// N Reality ///

" Bounceblock One "

I want a world with RandGrav. I want it really bad.
Where gravity randomly changes, and no one would ever be sad.

Some people would say...

" My basements in the attic! " or " My child's in the floor!"
But cries like this would be funny, and I'ld want it even more.

Njoy. =D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Purple Guava Parrot.' Thumbnail of the map 'Fishcraft carrier.' Thumbnail of the map 'Cracked.' Thumbnail of the map 'Drop N Pop.' Thumbnail of the map 'Rabbit Nunchucks.' Thumbnail of the map 'Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.'
Purple Guava Parrot. Fishcraft carrier. Cracked. Drop N Pop. Rabbit Nunchucks. Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.


Pages: (0)


aint this your 100th?

I did it!

I'm a bit suprised. =D
Demo Data
Demo Data
bounce blocks. see? []


turns out im not leaving. Something just went wrong in life and now It's better. But I'm REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF NOW

Oh btw,

the terminal_velocity doesn't work sometimes. You get slammed head first into the floor by a unlucky launchpad and die.

Holy macaroni


Made some edits.

Some bouncepads and some oneways. Thats all. :)

Glad you like it.


This map is insane! 5aved from me :) Bad AGD.
Demo Data