Mushroom Highrise

Thumbnail of the map 'Mushroom Highrise'

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Author Invalid
Tags author:invalid collab playable unrated
Created 2010-04-10
Last Modified 2010-04-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description <zmaxson> you have a smaller map count so you should sub it
<zmaxson> i just got to 200 and am slowing down submissions
<zmaxson> so everything points to you :p
Collab between me and maxson

Other maps by this author

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Vaccine Rats 00-4 End Of The Terrible Day Fancy Shmancy Benefactor Of Death plasticHenge Open, Shut


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The rocket is good, but you can so easily avoid it by staying in the basement. Making the drones just a tad more difficult would force you to use the top part of the map.

Overall, fun to play, I like the launchpads.
Demo Data


Pretty fun map, I liked how persistent the rocket was. Bit short though, I wish it had more play in it
Demo Data



but how boring is "Tower Highrise"


Those are towers