
Thumbnail of the map 'Snuffellatio'

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Author lj11
Tags action author:lj11 linear rated tileset
Created 2010-06-06
Last Modified 2010-06-07
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description definition: Male dog behavior where obsessive attention is paid own genitalia. This behavior often has appearance of auto-erotic behavior but may simply be self grooming. Snuffellatio is some times confused with masturbation. Ability to perform snuffellatio is much admired by male human beings. This behavior would mostly go unnoticed if not for the associated snuffling, snorkeling and snorting sounds.

playtested by the ultimate in electronics, j_v

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'All the world's a stage' Thumbnail of the map 'Salad days (Birthday Map)' Thumbnail of the map 'The time is out of joint' Thumbnail of the map 'Sans thwumps, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything' Thumbnail of the map 'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war' Thumbnail of the map 'Rhyme nor reason'
All the world's a stage Salad days (Birthday Map) The time is out of joint Sans thwumps, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war Rhyme nor reason


Pages: (0)


For anti-snipe. Fun level.
yeah, slim it down on the enemies there bud. lasers and mines would've sufficed.
Nice map you've got here. Tiles are lovely and gameplay is cool. 4aved.


just give me credit! :P
i'm liking them.


Thanks a lot Avatar.
young grasshopper.

My advice to you

is to cut down the amount of enemies in this map. It's just a bit overwhelming with all the lasers, rockets, drones, and thwumps. In general, I've found that the best maps usually have 2 or 3 different types of enemies (not including mines, and in some cases thwumps), and the author will just play around with those enemies. Second, the gold in this map is okay, but there's no solid pattern that you follow throughout it. It seems a bit unorganized (sp?). The tiles are good, though. You're good with tilesets. Overall, I'd say this is a 3, but since it's been sniped twice, I think I'll just rate it a 5, so it will even out.


why thank you ;)


whoever gave me a 0, i know it wasnt u j_v, could you give me a comment with reasoning?


you didn't credit me for playtesting?

Demo Data