03 - 3: No Hide...Only Seek

Thumbnail of the map '03 - 3: No Hide...Only Seek'

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Author BKPB58
Tags author:bkpb58 beatable fun playable tileset unrated
Created 2010-06-20
Last Modified 2010-06-20
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Thanks To ThePegasus For His Hopeless Rain Tileset (And Credit Too)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02 - 2:One-Way Road' Thumbnail of the map '02 - 3:Close Friends.' Thumbnail of the map '02 - 4:Pacman At Its Worst' Thumbnail of the map '03 - 0:Cores' Thumbnail of the map '03 - 1:The Clown's Wrath' Thumbnail of the map '03 - 2:Citadel 17'
02 - 2:One-Way Road 02 - 3:Close Friends. 02 - 4:Pacman At Its Worst 03 - 0:Cores 03 - 1:The Clown's Wrath 03 - 2:Citadel 17


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I do have OCD and asperger's but it still spoils the effect.