-[2]- sunken city

Thumbnail of the map '-[2]- sunken city'

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Author Njitsu
Tags author:njitsu underwater unrated
Created 2010-07-24
Last Modified 2010-07-24
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i'm gonna make an underwater mappack

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'TUNNEL VISION' Thumbnail of the map 'heat wave' Thumbnail of the map 'transylvania' Thumbnail of the map 'Enchanted Forest' Thumbnail of the map '-[1]- shipwrecked' Thumbnail of the map '20,000 leagues under the sea'
TUNNEL VISION heat wave transylvania Enchanted Forest -[1]- shipwrecked 20,000 leagues under the sea


Pages: (0)

i have to admit

the concept behind this map and shipwrecked are really simple, i just made a drone track and then filled in the map around it.

maps take me

about 30 minutes give or take a few hours
I was feeling good about myself cause I put out 2 in 2 days but then I come back to yours and there's even more wtf. With regards to this map I'm not that keen on the start but the homing drone grew on me and even though honestly I did kinda prefer the first this is still good and you kept with the theme well while mixing up the gameplay this would make one badass mofo of a mappack just saying :) agd
Demo Data

Underwater mappack

is underwater