
Thumbnail of the map 'djfanasdv'

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Author Viil
Tags abc author:viil unrated
Created 2010-08-21
Last Modified 2010-08-21
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'abcdefg' Thumbnail of the map 'Therefore, you receive nothing.' Thumbnail of the map 'map that no one will play cuz it looks bad' Thumbnail of the map 'Inflight' Thumbnail of the map 'intergrated' Thumbnail of the map 'simplified challenge'
abcdefg Therefore, you receive nothing. map that no one will play cuz it looks bad Inflight intergrated simplified challenge


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You know, I think that collab we did way back when I was a new mapper influenced me more than anything else I'ver seen on NUMA. Even now, my maps *still* have your signature on them a bit. Cheers.

Pretty decent AGD.

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I just got this on NReality (using the 133 route).
I give up.
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Got this with FBF

Slightly different route. Couldn't pull it off in NReality though. :(
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there's also this way, which is tougher and slower
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there we go :]
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got this on my second try, and I still cant get faster, but I'm pretty sure faster is possible
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