
Thumbnail of the map 'infiltration'

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Author nickrox1
Tags author:nickrox1 fun lol try unrated
Created 2010-09-20
Last Modified 2010-09-20
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description fun

Other maps by this author

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Pages: (0)

... fail
Demo Data

slow completion

pretty fun for gameplay.
Some of the repetitive tiles (i.e. the sideways diamonds) were unnecessary and it was a tad blocky but otherwise i enjoyed it.

Some ideas-
Use less gold- theres an unnecessary large amount that doesnt exactly look great in just one line. Spread it out and make it look interesting. Also put it in places that re out of the way so people have to explore the whole or more of the area to get all of it.

Dont have such repetitive tiles unless it looks better. They were kinda pointless and the spoace could have been used for better looking tiles.

But overall it was a fun map, just tweak some stuff for next time.
