Crash The Castle

Thumbnail of the map 'Crash The Castle'

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Author kyozo_43
Tags author:kyozo_43 first n-art playable quest task unrated
Created 2010-10-30
Last Modified 2010-12-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hey all, this is my 1st N-Art, and it is PLAYABLE! =D

Tasks -
1. Get Out Of Jail.
2. Get Past Non - Bouncy Blocks.
3. Get Past Castle Defence And Wizard.
4. Steal The Wizard's Hat.
5. Save The Princess.
6. Get Past Wizard's Yellow Ray & Guards' Spears.

Optional -
1. Gather Up Castle Defense Rubble.
2. Gather Up Broken Castle Relics.
3. Get Inside Turret And Dismantle.
4. Collect Magic Dust From Wizard's Yellow Ray.
5. Collect Magic Dust That Has Flown Off And Gone Into "The Unknown Area"

*BANNER* Castler Crasher *BANNER*

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'ave A Go At This! Wrench Hidden Trails Hidden In The Day Death Course


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skype: beargonewild
The left side was good on gameplay but the right side was terrible. Absolutely nothing happened except that you are given like 75 pieces of gold. Gold delay should always be avoided and placing objects under gold (except in a DDA) is near prohibited.

Overall: 3/5.

How did it screw up

seems find to me

Hmm ...

Yeah, The Gauss And Rockets Don't Work o_O Ahh Well, :P And I'll Give A Banner To Anyone Who Gets An Agd Not Just SOME Gold Demo :P (When I Get My Old Computer Back (It Has Photoshop (But I MAY Do It With Paint)))

Drone tail is good but it doesn't worth to get in for just one gold near the chaingun.

3,5/5 rounded up

To make N-arts, try to draw something with small objects or tiles. This one is not so good as aesthetics, just some tile blocks and some arrows.

-Looks messy, but i liked the gameplay.
-Gauss launcher doesn't work, i don't know why, but i guess it's better like this.

Here is my AGD-2 (Only 2 golds left) :
Demo Data