Slotted Skades

Thumbnail of the map 'Slotted Skades'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags author:mr_mongoose rated tileset
Created 2011-02-07
Last Modified 2011-02-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Tileset inspired by a threadless tshirt and that yahoozy map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴀ' Thumbnail of the map 'Bear in mind' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴃ' Thumbnail of the map 'ᴀᴀ-ᴄ' Thumbnail of the map 'PLC' Thumbnail of the map 'Chinook'
ᴀᴀ-ᴀ Bear in mind ᴀᴀ-ᴃ ᴀᴀ-ᴄ PLC Chinook


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Argh, memes.

Argh, not being a native English speaker. :P
and people have to make a map with it's theme. This month's (quite hard) theme is "redeye", where you have to make a map with lasers and mines as the enemies in it. No others. I hope this helps. D:

Threadless has the cooooooooolest tshirts!!!!!!

At first I think this is playable. It would be more nicer when there is a ninja

this is nice!

I saw it loading and when I saw the first (left) half, I was amazed... didn't thought it would be a skull.

will use.