nice roundings 1

Thumbnail of the map 'nice roundings 1'

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Author trala
Tags author:trala door door-eerie nice-roundings unrated
Created 2011-03-24
Last Modified 2011-03-26
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description the first lvl of the 'nice roundings' series. 5 others following the next few days ;)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'gauss arena no#2' Thumbnail of the map 'smile^^' Thumbnail of the map 'walk through the vally of time' Thumbnail of the map 'full time door-play' Thumbnail of the map 'broken love' Thumbnail of the map 'nice roundings preview'
gauss arena no#2 smile^^ walk through the vally of time full time door-play broken love nice roundings preview


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believe it around 1-2 jears old... back then I wasn't that pro, but it's a fine map after all^^


lsudny is right. Maps like this are generally good, but your experimenting different types of maps, which is what new mappers should do.
Demo Data
no offense, but you should read a paragraph on my profile called "tips for new mapmakers". This may improve your mapping. Especially don't spam the objects and don't make maps unnecessarily long. Rest will come.