
Thumbnail of the map 'Nighthawks'

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Author artistolipto
Tags author:artistolipto hard unrated
Created 2011-04-03
Last Modified 2011-04-03
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Silver Droplets of You were Smiling and I Could Tell' Thumbnail of the map 'Omnipotence2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'When Me and You Fell Down Together' Thumbnail of the map 'Captain Endar Requests an Open Channel Sir' Thumbnail of the map 'I Don't Want To Love You' Thumbnail of the map 'pictureofalostchildwhoioncelovedandnnevergottosaygoodbyeto'
Silver Droplets of You were Smiling and I Could Tell Omnipotence2.0 When Me and You Fell Down Together Captain Endar Requests an Open Channel Sir I Don't Want To Love You pictureofalostchildwhoioncelovedandnnevergottosaygoodbyeto


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the gold is too close to the mines, and it makes it really frustrating to get. There are some instances in maps where that isn't an issue, but it just doesn't work in this one. There are also very silly parts, with the thwump most of all. Move it down a few spaces, it doesn't work at all in the map. The switch was well placed. Not too close to the enemy that it gets frustrating, but not too far away that you'd hate it. This's a below average map.


you always give great advice
or do you want me to leave off?