00-2 lava flow

Thumbnail of the map '00-2 lava flow'

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Author pokemonmaster53594
Tags 00-2 3 author:pokemonmaster53594 flow lava mines unrated
Created 2011-08-07
Last Modified 2011-08-07
Map Data

Description When a volcano erupts, this happens. sort of.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-0 Holy Squares' Thumbnail of the map '00-1 Strong T-Storms'
00-0 Holy Squares 00-1 Strong T-Storms


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Thanks for the advice I really enjoyed hearing about it.

I don't like 00-1 and 00-2 much.

In my opinion your 00-0 is similar to mine.

and I will try harder tomake hardlevels without spaming mines and other stuff around. Even the N game spams mines all around. (rarely)

So ya know if you havent read on 00-1. I might have said I'd practice more and I also said I'm just 11. If you wanna know where every enemy is entering look on 00-1. I love all your levels Chrdrenkmann. You rule. Along with most other n game level makers out there.
...but you have a big potential in my opinion.
Just don't spam objects or make weird lines like in this map and the results should be better.

you can't say "don't forget" since he is new here... he haven't had a chance of getting to know the rule ;)

That rule

Should be somewhere on the outdated FAQ's we have. It's just for fairness, you know.
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Do not forget the rule: no more than two maps from the author on the first page.
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