Wing Tornado

Thumbnail of the map 'Wing Tornado'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author adam_zappul
Tags author:adam_zappul experimental unrated wip
Created 2011-09-28
Last Modified 2011-09-28
Map Data

Description everything is falling into place

gainax ending though

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Masterkey' Thumbnail of the map 'Triumph' Thumbnail of the map 'Perfect Fit' Thumbnail of the map 'Stuck in a Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Dino Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Five Lines'
Masterkey Triumph Perfect Fit Stuck in a Tree Dino Run Five Lines


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Also, may I use these tiles, I have something special for them.

By far among the best maps to be dispensed by you. Nicely done chap.