hide to thwump

Thumbnail of the map 'hide to thwump'

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Author shink1234
Tags action author:shink1234 gold nreality playable unrated
Created 2011-11-03
Last Modified 2011-11-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description code:8^x,y,direction^^^custompath

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Only gone bound Drone' Thumbnail of the map 'Lockness Redux' Thumbnail of the map 'Chamber Drone' Thumbnail of the map 'When your not present?' Thumbnail of the map 'Floor guard' Thumbnail of the map 'Greedy and Rocky'
Only gone bound Drone Lockness Redux Chamber Drone When your not present? Floor guard Greedy and Rocky


Pages: (0)

Actually, the rule is no more than 5 maps until the 31st of December.

Anyway, welcome to NUMA.

@zoasBE. I do not care how much of a sincere fiend you are, that is not way to behave.

some of these maps

aren't that bad by themselves, given that you started submitting maps yesterday. Unfortunately, most of them are plagued by messy object placement or tilesets. But if cleaned up, there are a couple of interesting nreality ideas that could be better used strewn throughout your submissions.

That being said, 2 maps at a time, please.

Wuohuo Raped by moderator!
u b bannd yo fo yo inconsiderabulnes kk
u hv 2 be elite 2 stay alive
u so n00b it makds me laf out loud
stop mapp ng for 57 yars

Welcome to NUMA.

Don't spam maps. A moderator needs to delist most of them. Even if the 2 map rule is not in use till the end of 2011, submitting 35 maps isn't a way to become noticed. You can do that, but a) you'll be probably banned, and b) you'll be considered as a spammer. Work more on your maps and submit the best ones.

Next time you submit, please keep that in mind and don't submit more than 2 maps.

lol wth is this?

35 maps? thats crazy dude, stop doing that o.O
You've already submited 35 mediocre quality maps in less than 12 hours. You feel good? As a sincere advice, try to make maps more patient, I meant, try to make one, playtest, improve them, submit to NUMA, wait for the people opinions, and try to make another better one. Maybe, someday you'll make really good maps, but that is the way for this. Not the way you have taken now. You really think the people are all the maps you've posted spamming the hot page? I asure you, no. Belive me, the spammings maps gets zero attention. Make your mapping career more solid and patient. I'm pretty sure that the final result is simply better.
A sincere friend.