
Thumbnail of the map 'Hook'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jasdanu
Tags author:jasdanu jumper unrated
Created 2012-04-02
Last Modified 2012-04-02
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Used zoasBE's tiles and made a map. Enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mixed Chimney's' Thumbnail of the map 'My Gift to You is a Diamond Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'tiny 119' Thumbnail of the map 'Tazo' Thumbnail of the map 'A True CLiffhanger' Thumbnail of the map 'Aerial Ace'
Mixed Chimney's My Gift to You is a Diamond Mine tiny 119 Tazo A True CLiffhanger Aerial Ace


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You're totally in!!

I'm happy now. This one looks nice and seems precise and harsh. I'll play soon, just I'm in phone right now. Then, tomorrow ill update the insatiable profile too. Glad to see you in the team. I'm pretty sure the rest of partners are also.