Aquatic Orgasm

Thumbnail of the map 'Aquatic Orgasm'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Pizzles
Tags author:pizzles fishfad rated
Created 2012-04-02
Last Modified 2012-04-03
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Good afternoon.


Pages: (0)

I liked it outright

And not just as a first map.

Demo Data
You are ethel! or was it eganic? UGH I mix them up so often.

You made my day, dude.
lots of fun. i'm not good enough to get back up the right column however.
Demo Data


Very nice for a first! This is some of the best tiles I've seen in a while. Faved!
Demo Data

really odd pathing but absolutely beautiful tiles. this could be a mintnut map. impressed.

secret secret

I've got a secret.
so which is your genuine account? the real you?
crappy big time. But It kinda shows i'm a mapper of fortune... if you get the reference :D
I remember some guy who got his first map reviewed.

orgasmically good

5aved (favorite + 5/5, a common term in NUMA, also modified to diferrent numbers, like 1aved, that souds pathetically rare tho, but you get my point right?)
this one is fun too. Welcome to NUMA! (again)
You can re-edit this once more and put the original map. Then sub a third map with the current version, but please do this then he'll be the first. You can understand me?

Who are you?

And how/why is the thumbnail different from the actual map? :p


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