Mutated Mines

Thumbnail of the map 'Mutated Mines'

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Author drikam
Tags action author:drikam unrated
Created 2012-04-30
Last Modified 2012-04-30
Map Data

Description This is more of a concept..

Because the placing is uber shitty.

Disabled ratings for that reason. It's random.

Other maps by this author

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Locksmith Boring Frozen 2 [Nreality] Wizards Monastery Security System Test Sleepy


Pages: (0)


AGD is nigh on impossible it seems but I did my best.
Demo Data

Nice concept

I agree with lsudny.

AGD'ing this

would be really hard. Nice concept, though. I'd give it a 4/5 for the concept itself, because the gameplay's too hard for me :C