
Thumbnail of the map 'Complete'

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Author Wizard2
Tags author:wizard2 fingersonthefrets race rated
Created 2012-07-13
Last Modified 2012-07-13
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description the original []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chili' Thumbnail of the map 'Forgive Us Our Tresspassing' Thumbnail of the map 'Loved and Lost' Thumbnail of the map 'Becoming A Prostitute' Thumbnail of the map 'In Water' Thumbnail of the map 'Painting'
Chili Forgive Us Our Tresspassing Loved and Lost Becoming A Prostitute In Water Painting


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haha i edit like that all the time :P

Awesome timing.
enemy timing. Nice work.

5 out of 5.

You sir, somehow made a race that I prefer to play realtime than underclocked. I thought it was impossible. I love this.
I however don't really find the flow after those far right thwumps.

edited- took out a piece of gold!

Demo Data