
Thumbnail of the map 'Soundwave'

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Author Epic4ever
Tags action author:epic4ever playable unrated
Created 2013-02-01
Last Modified 2013-02-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Bree Van De Kamp.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '01-04:Two Paths' Thumbnail of the map '02-00:Taking it easy.' Thumbnail of the map '02-01:Space of mind' Thumbnail of the map '02-02:Equals Zero' Thumbnail of the map '02-03:Etraulie' Thumbnail of the map '02-04:Golden Glory'
01-04:Two Paths 02-00:Taking it easy. 02-01:Space of mind 02-02:Equals Zero 02-03:Etraulie 02-04:Golden Glory


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looks cool

a few things pointed out already
also there's an annoying bottleneck at the far right
it does get pretty hectic and exciting when there are a lot of drones there on the bottom area
but lsudny is right
the mines are annoying. 3.