
Thumbnail of the map 'Spinal'

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Author blue_rocks
Tags art author:blue_rocks cord playable spinal spine unrated
Created 2013-06-07
Last Modified 2013-06-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I'm not going to lie, this level is fairly difficult.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Phalanges' Thumbnail of the map '0-3 Piantissimo's Challenge III' Thumbnail of the map 'Gunpowder' Thumbnail of the map '2-02 Fido' Thumbnail of the map 'Butterflies' Thumbnail of the map 'Building Blocks'
Phalanges 0-3 Piantissimo's Challenge III Gunpowder 2-02 Fido Butterflies Building Blocks


Pages: (0)

O_o cool gold rings


The chaingun sucked, but the rest was decent.
Demo Data

the only reason it's hard is because of the open room with the chaingun which is really annoying to me. I found the drones as a whole were not well done, but the rest of it was fantastic.

Sexy first room AGD, to leave with my dignity:
Demo Data

this is a solid map

but like you said its very hard