UnderSecu.Sec Grid XII

Thumbnail of the map 'UnderSecu.Sec Grid XII'

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Tags author:palemoon unrated
Created 2013-06-25
Last Modified 2013-06-25
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Burn My Brain' Thumbnail of the map 'Driftland' Thumbnail of the map 'Data Girl' Thumbnail of the map 'Mannequin Slum' Thumbnail of the map 'Steeple Cross' Thumbnail of the map 'Butcher Blade Engineering'
Burn My Brain Driftland Data Girl Mannequin Slum Steeple Cross Butcher Blade Engineering


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on this map. haha. I like it a lot, but the chain feels really overpowering, and i've struggled to find any paths that work cleanly. I enjoyed it heaps though, and filled with nice ideas. (horizontally spaced mines are really fun, same with launchpads, drones as dagga said, locked doors, layered gold, way numbers can be used to dictate path ). So gameplay wise, not perfect at all, but very fun all the same, and lots of entertaining deaths coming from it which makes it a lot easier to play repetitively to no avail haha. (y) (keeping it faved)
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fuck. sick close call bit. but ruined it overall.
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cool demo. I get stopped in my tracks.
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can't play

Right now, but faved for later - looks great

I really like how when the chaser drone decides to charge it leaves behind the non-chaser drone. It seems like it's some sort of ghost of the original pathing.
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i makes it look like he enters the chamber at the beginning of the level. makes it feel more like a real place i feel like :D
Also really love the way launchpads are used in this