
Thumbnail of the map 'Glorious'

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Author IodineEnvy
Tags author:iodineenvy ie jumper perplex puzzle unrated
Created 2013-08-05
Last Modified 2013-08-05
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A difficult puzzle/jumper. Minimalistic/old-school-ish.
Anyone who gets an agd will receive 5 RCE's.

Other maps by this author

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Bubbling with joy Expectations What is Love Something else What? What?


Pages: (0)


0th on NReality
Demo Data

Slow AGD

It would be better if it wasn't just the same jump 3 times in a row
Demo Data

first try agd

Demo Data


And i don't want RCEs thanks :P My maps are embarressing


This map is nice, 4.5
Demo Data

Far slower, more proper AGD. Glorious tiles indeed, but gameplay was lacking in variety... it was just corner jumps. Not bad or anything, but I was sure hoping for more.

No need to RCE me if you don't feel like it.
Demo Data

No using walls?

Just watched your demo, will take that as a yes :P

Am I missing something? Should use of the walls be disallowed?
Demo Data

Slow agd-1
Demo Data