
Thumbnail of the map 'Rupture'

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Author T_Money
Tags action author:t_money playable unrated
Created 2005-12-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Its kinda hard...but u have to dodge the missles and the machine gun guy. its pretty difficult.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cornflower' Thumbnail of the map 'Money Train' Thumbnail of the map 'Air Attack' Thumbnail of the map 'Sewage System' Thumbnail of the map 'The Broken Container' Thumbnail of the map 'Rancor'
Cornflower Money Train Air Attack Sewage System The Broken Container Rancor


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What Echarin said. Keep 'em coming!


I have to say, most of your maps look really 'noobish'. If you were to simply look at them you would think they were like most of the other trash here on Numa, but your maps are actually good. They look like they've been made by an idiot, but when you play them you can see that a lot of thought has gone into the fun factor. Keep it up.