Brick cave

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Author z33r0
Tags author:z33r0 dda rated
Created 2006-01-02
by 33 people.
Map Data

Description Here it is, my first 'true' dda. This took a long time to make. It was sort of a test to see how thwump propulsion works and how to use repetition with the same thwumps and springs. it may not be spectacular but it has a few good close calls especially with the rockets. It works 100% in userlevels however i think you might dies by the chainguns or lasers in ned.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cocktail'


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especially for a first dda. 5/5, userlevels faved


Awesome first dda...a new prodigy is born!!!!Halleluliah!!!!
Take away the random gold and put it in his path in key places to keep the userlevels time up. Very very nice...continue to make awesome dda's....


A good dda, yes, but it would have been better if I could actually see what was going on. It ran faaaaar too slowly on my computer, bear us less fortunate computer-owners in mind next time you make a dda. I'm sure what I would have been able to see was good though, so 4/5.

It was pretty good.

The gold was unnecessary..........
A bit too many lauchpads
But its ur first so 4.5/5

P.S.: It works in NED if you press 1 b4 starting


Lagged a lot. Pretty good thwump work but still too little close calls. it gets a 4/5.

Gold FTW

Next time use more gold, just to make everyone who hates gold in DDAs upset. :P

Awesome DDA. Almost every rocket is short-lived and close-call material. I'm amazed nobody's complaining about your launch pad usage... not that I am, but I'll go off topic if I keep ranting.

5/5, cause I'm not those trendy DDA snipers. (I supposed they came around cause it seemed everyone was getting 5s when they made a DDA... so a few people raised their standards to a level beyond possibility. One such person did so just as my brother submitted his DDA... it was pathetic, really..)

Did I go off topic? I guess it was inevitable.


verry elegent the timing was right just one thing maby you could use less gold next time

I like your map

its groovy

this is definatly not ure first daa if it is voted the best daa so far...


just joking :)


3/5 definitely. Nah, im feeling gnerous. 4/5


Very good DDA. But i fink its 2 long but i'll giv u 4.


I LOVE IT! if somthing works in user level mode but sometimes not in ned, press 1 before starting the DDA


... this is... good... nice and long too