Choose Your Destiny

Thumbnail of the map 'Choose Your Destiny'

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Author Comically-Insane
Tags author:comically-insane playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description By puzzle I would mean, chance. try and figure out (or guess) which way to go, each part has a "wrong way" and will either kill you or get you trapped. Please excuse all of the gold at the tops.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Running Around'
Running Around


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by the way

If you ever look at this level again, resident-evale, thanks for the critisism (sp?)


You make me sick... You gave this thing a 4.5/5 just for a chance to get a good rating on one of your maps? Outch...

That was.

Absolutely dreadful. It doesn't take skill, it takes luck. you only have an estimate of 1/10 chances to make it through the whole thing without going to edit mode. The loading time is horrid too if you die that many times, people would have closed it on the 3/5th try or lets face it less. I knew I did.


Try my maps too.4.5/5


The trap doors kill you if you walk to slow...