Go, Go, Frostyinferno!

Thumbnail of the map 'Go, Go, Frostyinferno!'

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Author FI_(FrostyInferno)
Tags author:fi_(frostyinferno) dda rated
Created 2006-01-17
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description This is it. My greatest DDA ever. When I started to submit maps, I swore that one day, I would make a DDA that rivaled nevermore's excellent Magnotechnology. this isn't quite it, but I continue to become better. I just want to make a DDA that is as good as the best.

Anyways, this DDA's title does not refer to me. It refers to my logo for my website and books (In production.), which features twin blue fireballs called the Frostyinferno, which, of course, sounds like an impossible oxymoron. (Cold fire....pretty sure it isn't possible :P.) I tried to show that DDAs don't have to be just close calls with enemies, getting shot by trapdoors at supersonic speeds and living is pretty much a close call in itself. Please don't just pass this by, I made it to have people enjoy it. I don't really care about the rating, I just more want people to see this rather long DDA. Took me a whole day! :). Also, I really would like constructive critism, I really want to see and hear about new DDA techniques, especially new propulsion techniques. I really would like to see if it's possible to use enemies other than thwumps for propulsion, which is probably impossible, but who knows. Oh, and I would like N map experts to tell me their opinion. And here's hoping new DDAs oust all others, so I have more goals to reach, and new techniques to use. So try it out, Tell me what you think, and most of all, Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Observatory' Thumbnail of the map 'The Flight of the Mosquito' Thumbnail of the map 'Pandora's Box' Thumbnail of the map 'Insectivore' Thumbnail of the map 'N Water Level' Thumbnail of the map 'Code Breaker'
Observatory The Flight of the Mosquito Pandora's Box Insectivore N Water Level Code Breaker


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'Bout propullsion

I've once seen a DDA (very low ranked and more lika a test level) Which used rockets to get N of LP traps. You just sets up a set of Launch Pads (not modified) that keeps N stucked a the same place. when a rocket hits him, he will cheat death and fly away from the LPtrap at the same time. That may be useful.
Her name is impossible to pronounce, so I call her Thundercat!

Holy Freaking Crap

Francine, This DDA, This DDA omygod, This DDA omygod, This DDA.

hehe american dad humor.


That is so friggin UNREAL!!! I have NEVER seen any map so impressive...nice.

ok, thanks man

Yes, i need to stop making the level, then putting in enemies, since that changes the outcome. I never liked gold delay either. New DDA coming soon. So your not leaving, right shadenshaft? You've been very helpful.

thats the thing...

about DDA's youve gotta create a plan of your enemies and stick with it: learn to balance the Enemies in the BEGINNING or else your stuck with an over filled enemy map or an under filled one
The mechanics on this DDA were more impressive then the enemies. I liked most of them, however i didnt like the gold delay... so a HIGH 4/5 you get and i will see what you come up with next


i never really knew what Abiogenesis ment. Very nice.
I highly respect nevermore. He is an excellent mapmaker. it's more that I want to be as good as him, not that i want to beat him in levels :P.


i know that XD. remember, i know a lot about science too. but a cold fire......that's what i said was not possible :P


It does rival "Magnetotechnology" description length, and by the way, some of the hottest fire burns a bright blue.

Next time...

i plan to use more bounce blocks. just so you know.


yes, i admit there are still things to fix. I would have added more enemies, but it causes the first part to fail. so i decided to try to do less close calls and more awesome propulsion.

It was OK.

Transport: good
Close calls: Very average
Other things: that bit where N is waiting for the thwump. Didn't like it.

please excuse..

the fact that it is laggy. the beginning and first room area are kinda large in terms of items. I originally was going to spell frosty in gold by taking only the gold to spell frosty, but that was wayyyyyy to laggy.


You pass through the mines at the end. Sweet little ending i just noticed!