Full House

Thumbnail of the map 'Full House'

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Author capt_weasle
Tags author:capt_weasle n-art rated
Created 2006-03-06
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Alright, I know, I know. The original idea was xdude_rox's. So heres da deal. If you vote my map, please take the time to possible vote for his. It can be found here:
Anywho, the map is supposed to be cards (duh) with a table in the backround with chips and money on it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Map: Rue the Whirl' Thumbnail of the map 'Dusty' Thumbnail of the map 'Filthy buggers' Thumbnail of the map 'Spilled tea, er, coffee...' Thumbnail of the map '00-00: Wreckage' Thumbnail of the map '00-01: 3/4 of a Dream'
Mini Map: Rue the Whirl Dusty Filthy buggers Spilled tea, er, coffee... 00-00: Wreckage 00-01: 3/4 of a Dream


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but the whole thing hurts my eyes. Better than most adverage n-arts. 3.5/5


the cards are great, but the chips and money could be better, so i will have to give it a 3.5/5 With the chips and money better, a possible 5?


pretty darn great man....5/5 thanks for referring to my map....