The Salted Peanut

Thumbnail of the map 'The Salted Peanut'

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Author rocket_thumped
Tags author:rocket_thumped easy playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-03-09
Last Modified 2007-06-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I like this map i think its a nice little puzzle, corner jumping technique, i know u guys will own it.... hope you like , i do. rates, comment, and demos please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Welcome to the Machine' Thumbnail of the map 'When The Levee Breaks' Thumbnail of the map 'The Growth of a Virus' Thumbnail of the map 'Trash in the Wind' Thumbnail of the map 'Rolling Thunder' Thumbnail of the map 'Break Through'
Welcome to the Machine When The Levee Breaks The Growth of a Virus Trash in the Wind Rolling Thunder Break Through


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who i got the idea from, ngaged... couldnt think of your name....


If this was in a Jump Pad fun contest I'd vote for this. On the bottom floor I keep jumping between the second lowest spring on right then to the second lowest spring on the left, then repeat. :) 4.5/5


But I didn't think all those launch pads should be there.