Rolly Polly

Thumbnail of the map 'Rolly Polly'

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Author Nick43092
Tags author:nick43092 playable race unrated
Created 2006-03-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This Map, although it does have alot of gold, is still rather hard, more or less just with all gold. There are about two difficult jumps, to get the gold on..... Anyway, good luck, and the best all gold demo by..... sunday (not sure what time) CST gets a dedication

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Luminosity Unstable Bridges Infinity Doughnut Holes Bigblargh! Final Destination


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Speeeed demo

Demo Data

Crappy demo

I think you should try placing the gold a little more neater and a little less scattered. 'Tis all.
Demo Data