The Bridge Between good and Evil

Thumbnail of the map 'The Bridge Between good and Evil'

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Author Mr_Mongoose
Tags author:mr_mongoose playable race rated
Created 2006-03-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I thought this idea was relatively cool, tell me what could be improved or if you don't like it.Thanks

-Mr. Mongoose

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I've got a need for speed...' Thumbnail of the map 'I've got a need for speed... (no traps)' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy' Thumbnail of the map 'Round and Round' Thumbnail of the map 'Anti-Clockwise' Thumbnail of the map 'Contrast'
I've got a need for speed... I've got a need for speed... (no traps) Easy Round and Round Anti-Clockwise Contrast


Pages: (0)

Not bad

but he can go across the top with only a few of the trapdoors.


For one it's not a race.

Ok tileset and ok play.
