3-Headed Morse Code

Thumbnail of the map '3-Headed Morse Code'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Junko
Tags author:junko playable race rated
Created 2006-03-31
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I wanted to try my hand at making a race, so here it is. Sorry if it's not that great, but feedback would be nice.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ow' Thumbnail of the map 'Lopongo' Thumbnail of the map 'Circumference of Golden Lining' Thumbnail of the map 'Pivot' Thumbnail of the map 'tele-poof' Thumbnail of the map 'Why, Johnny, That Was Rude!'
Ow Lopongo Circumference of Golden Lining Pivot tele-poof Why, Johnny, That Was Rude!


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i liked it it was pretty fun. 4/5 it would have been a 3/5 but the flow was perfect although it was short and also using loops is not as fun. but this was not as bad as my map double loopy loop or sumthin like that. i used like 8000 overlaping loops....



Fine you win

Saying that it wasnt a 4.5/5 was a bit harsh.

Let's refer this.

This not called the N user map contest, that is what the forums are for. Now I agree that we all want to play the better maps and we don't want the best ones to fall into obscurity.

And to be honest with you, a 3 or a 3.5 is not a bad score for this map, but saying it is definitely not a 4.5 is just not fair.

Hell, a 0.0 is fair if you want to talk about opinion.


Why would you vote someone up just based on how many maps they have made? It makes no sense whatsoever. You keep saying im ignorant but you are completely ignoring the whole point of map rating. It is to rate the maps. Not to give first time map makers a morale boost or to reflect how many maps they have made but to RATE the maps. You will notice how on the top rated list the maps *are compared AGAINST EACHOTHER*. Lots of key words there. The rating system is to COMPARE the maps. Dont even bother trying to argue that. Rating differently based on how many maps a person has made is just silly and a form of bias. No one cares how many maps a person has, they care about the quality of a map and when people look at the top rated maps they dont want to see everyone first map, they want to see good maps. What would happen if we all voted up first time maps? There goes the crazy miner...


Don't be ignorant.... again.

I did not say vote 5 JUST because it's his first map. What I did say is, take that into account, especially when it is a good idea but not done perfectly.

That map you linked to is horrible weather or not it's his 1st or 50th.
I'm ignorant?
Ok if ratings are relevant maby this:
deserves a 5/5?
I mean the guy only has 2 maps and this is his first (his second btw was voted 0.5/5 I beleive). If you assume we should up his rating because its his first map, that dda is a 16/5 (according to your vote of 4 * his 1/5 of this guys maps) and this guy totally blows nevermores dda's out of the water, In fact, he is probbably the best map maker on numa!
All those 0/5 or 0.5/5 votes were made by total ignorants who had no idea what they were doing and should be shot.

Why should we vote people higher if its their first map? In the olympics the judges dont add 20 points to a guy because its his first time comming.
Im sure I could list hundreds of maps like the example one that people have not voted up because it was their first map.
If ratings have nothing to do whatsoever with other maps what do you base ratings on?
First map = 5/5
Second map = 4.5/5
Third map = 4/5...

thanks everybody

I didn't think people would like it this much. I did try to use the bottom, but I couldn't match it with the flow for the rest of the map.


691175002, don't be so ignorant.

Rating maps shouldn't be based on existing maps. Ratings are relative, this is his first map. And he only has 10 total. So for that, it is easily worth at least a 4.

Interesting concept

But short, repettitive and going around in circles is old.
There is no way this is a 4.5 or 5. If you look around on the top rated races you will see that this is not even close to a 4.5.


great flow!!! 5.5

I like this.

Great for a first race map.

I wish you used the bottom somhow, that would have made this a 5.



You put the level in mode, press 1, then play. when you are done, copy the text out of the lower box, then paste it here.


go into user levels, play the level and beat it, then copy the code out of the box on the bottom left.
How do you use demo data?