5-1 Bob the Builder's Broken Backbone

Thumbnail of the map '5-1 Bob the Builder's Broken Backbone'

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Author UpDown
Tags action author:updown playable rated
Created 2006-04-06
Last Modified 2006-04-06
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Finally! 5th Episode!
Comment and rate.
Tileset by Evil___
Srry that I re-placed some tiles.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '3-2 Are These Meteors Really Necessary?' Thumbnail of the map '4-2 Its Raining Teeth!' Thumbnail of the map '4-3 My Cat Stuck In An Upside Down Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ladder Broke In Three' Thumbnail of the map 'Run Before Its Too Late' Thumbnail of the map '4-4 The Day I Ate 8 Drones And A Sub'
3-2 Are These Meteors Really Necessary? 4-2 Its Raining Teeth! 4-3 My Cat Stuck In An Upside Down Tree The Ladder Broke In Three Run Before Its Too Late 4-4 The Day I Ate 8 Drones And A Sub


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I liked most of the level. The last jump before you leave the first path was a pain... not my cup of tea to do over and over if you make a stupid mistake. Cool top-right corner.