Hard Work Pays Off

Thumbnail of the map 'Hard Work Pays Off'

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Author Musicwumusic
Tags action author:musicwumusic playable unrated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description After all that hard work to get to the exit switch, don't you think you should have a little fun getting to the exit?

Other maps by this author

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Moving Squars I-Beam Simple Death Specificity Electric Chamber Chaingun Chamber


Pages: (0)

It's a bug...

When you manually replace the third number in the code of a one-way platform, the platform faces up but is nonexistent. Probably the image generator has a different algorithm.

Oh wierd...

Ok.. in your map... there's a like a hinge in the line of one-way platforms above the exit switch. But when I loaded mine.. it was a continuous stream across... but you could fall through.. some wierd glitch...


Wierd map. i never actually beat it. The load time was killer. But I dunno how you did it... but I fall through a one way platform that I'm not supposed to... huh?