Maniac Qualification Test #16

Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #16'

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Author Maniak
Tags author:maniak playable puzzle unrated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-14
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description This is more of an action-puzzle, but, whatever. In Part 16, your mission is to guide the rocket along with you down a narrow path to the exit. If the rocket explodes, you won't be able to get to the exit.

Goal #1: Beat the level.

Goal #2(impossible?) Do a second lap around the level with the rocket.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Falling Brick Effect' Thumbnail of the map 'The Right DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Maniac Qualification Test #15' Thumbnail of the map 'You can die now' Thumbnail of the map 'The Maniakal 217' Thumbnail of the map 'The Adrenaline Pump'
The Falling Brick Effect The Right DDA Maniac Qualification Test #15 You can die now The Maniakal 217 The Adrenaline Pump


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Fun level.
Demo Data


Proof that this level is completable without cheating.
Excellent design! :)
Demo Data


Without watching it first, I guess I did the same thing Eli did. Only I did it faster and didn't die. :p
Demo Data


that was hard. That's why I added the section on the right. It's really hard, but easy once you get the hang of it. I probably should have just ended it right at the end of the chute, but too late now. I'm not going to make another rocket run map again.

And... two laps.

Again.... not the same rocket... but hey...
Demo Data


Why not make the right side of the long shoot you go down to get to the exit solid... so people like -Eli- can't cheat? But I love the idea... AND..... I beat it! Yay... I know... the SAME rocket didn't follow me from start to finish... but the same one did for like 99% of the map... it's just so hard to get that one to follow you down the last shoot. Anyways.. check out my demo.
Demo Data


The entire point of the level was to guide the rocket through the entire path. Ah, well. I'd better make sure to never do something like this again...
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