
Thumbnail of the map 'thump'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author little_11
Tags author:little_11 autogenerated test unrated
Created 2006-05-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description stuff

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'mine madness' Thumbnail of the map 'Dungeon' Thumbnail of the map 'thump' Thumbnail of the map 'Challenge arena' Thumbnail of the map 'A level' Thumbnail of the map 'The gatway to hell'
mine madness Dungeon thump Challenge arena A level The gatway to hell


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first try

and on the contrary. don't mimick anyone's style. It just gets repetitive. When ATOB was #1, there were about 100 ATOB mimicks, all getting rated well. Choose your own style, and get good at it. Use the good authors for inspiration if you need to, but create your own unique object placement and tilesets.
Demo Data


Um, listen to the guy below
Demo Data
Here's a demo. Try much much harder on your maps from now on please. Take a look at the top rated list, and mimic the styles of the great mapmakers, until you become great yourself and find your own style.
Demo Data