Adventure aRe-Pee-Gee

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Author becauseicare
Tags author:becauseicare dda rated
Created 2006-05-23
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description It's an RPG because, like many RPGs, it starts off with a chase. Then, after a wild flinging from his original place, the hero does not return until the very end. Next, he spends all of his time in the place nearest to his hometown first, often repeating things and not going anywhere. Then, a LONG fall (may be physical or phsycological, in RPGs). After speeding away, he leaves a trail of traps, sprung, behind. Then follows many bland, unoriginal places that just advance the story. Next, he goes into a blank area filled with enemies, trying to be exciting but failing on the part of the developers. Lastly, he races side to side, up and down, as a desperate attempt to chase the path to his home country. As a very last scene, he spends time repeating the same motion in his home country until he finally goes home.

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it sux no offense but... it really sux

Might I mention

that you really need to put more work into this.3/5


Whoever rates this a 4.5 is out of their minds! This is really just a bunch of bumpers and trap doors. There is no action at all and alot of the parts just drag on and on and on and on........ Oh well. Better luck next time 2/5!

Great story but...

In most RPG's the hero DIE'S !!! 4.5