Can you make it?

Thumbnail of the map 'Can you make it?'

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Author Flamez1212
Tags action author:flamez1212 playable unrated
Created 2006-05-25
Last Modified 2006-05-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a level i made in about an hour, it has lots of doors

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ROCKET POWER' Thumbnail of the map 'Up Down Hallpass' Thumbnail of the map 'No name' Thumbnail of the map 'Three Doors' Thumbnail of the map 'There and Back' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't Do Anything'
ROCKET POWER Up Down Hallpass No name Three Doors There and Back Don't Do Anything


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i wasn't trying to hide the swiches
But your "clever" attempt at hiding switches under gold was common, at best. All-in-all, too convoluted for me to finish.
No rating.



many turrets in the beggining