
Thumbnail of the map 'Boredom.'

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Author sebbyseb4
Tags author:sebbyseb4 dda unrated
Created 2006-06-07
Last Modified 2006-07-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is the only map i've submitted, and it's the only map i've really made that's complete. sry if theres too many bounce pads :p. and i know the tileset's boring. add somethin on if ya like.
comment and rate plz


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My comp

KEEPS ON MESSING UP! It worked the first time but after that, N kept glitching and staying in one place. Then he couldn't move AT ALL except left and right just floating in the air...


it's ur best one obviously. pretty awesome DDA its up there with some other good ones

k fixed the slashes & bounce pads.

Take Out the Excess Luanch Pads.

Lol Seb.

Lmao seb. To many launch pads/lag. 3/5.


sucks... to many of 1 thing
lol @ seb

oh... and sry bout the slashes in the description... that just appeared.