
Thumbnail of the map 'Tube'

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Author Eaglestrike117
Tags author:eaglestrike117 dda rated
Created 2006-06-16
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description A DDA with an awesome tube!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold and Mines' Thumbnail of the map 'Spewing A Spout' Thumbnail of the map 'Ummmm....' Thumbnail of the map 'The Easy DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Big Tunnels' Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Race'
Gold and Mines Spewing A Spout Ummmm.... The Easy DDA Big Tunnels Mine Race


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was the lamest DDA I've ever seen. Even ones where N dies and never makes it to the door are better than this!
I mean... I appreciate your efforts, but I have come to the simple conclusion that I dislike this DDA.

when i first

looked at this I thought this was going to be a pretty nooby map but when I played it, guess what, it was!

sorry im in a bad mood, make it longer next time and more enemies and make him go places other than just a straigt line and use propultions other than 2 launchpads .5/5

I'd suggest

making it so that the N actually interacts with the map rather than just falls into the door. Just a hint.


that has to be the crappiest one ive seen all day and ive seen some that didnt even work. heres one of mine see the difference between it and your's

Forgive me.

but come on! that probably took a hole five seconds to make.



tube huhuhuh



Definitly the most exciting DDA I've ever seen!!!! ... not. 2/5