Support England!

Thumbnail of the map 'Support England!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author JEWEL
Tags author:jewel n-art rated
Created 2006-06-18
Last Modified 2006-06-18
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Oh gee. Why did I have to support England? Was it because of their star player Rooney? What about Eriksson's departure? Or is it I am becoming a Jack of all N-Levels but a master of none? (its true- check out all the rates i get for my maps- sob)

Anyway, here's the England Flag, made solely for use as a N art! England supporters? Wanna try your own? Use this as an inspiration!

Warning! This level has lotsa code and may lag on the slower computers (expecially john jarvinen's. Sorry dude, i don't think you can get the most fun out of my level).

p.s. it looks the most like the flag when you view the thumbnail. Big view shows you lotsa Bounce Blocks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Easy and sucky' Thumbnail of the map 'Tedious (and very booring) Doory Spiral' Thumbnail of the map 'Snake' Thumbnail of the map 'Laggy Enemy Map' Thumbnail of the map '3 Doors, 3 Ways, Only 1 Correct Way' Thumbnail of the map '3 Doors, 3 Ways, Only 1 Correct Way (final version)'
Easy and sucky Tedious (and very booring) Doory Spiral Snake Laggy Enemy Map 3 Doors, 3 Ways, Only 1 Correct Way 3 Doors, 3 Ways, Only 1 Correct Way (final version)


Pages: (0)

oh, sorry.

i may be a bit crazy to even go and try to upload my save game data file. I completed the second column and i am sooo close to completing numero uno.

See? only 1 flavour for me unlocked (pink)! but if you want, comment and i'll upload it.

BTW, i am going to edit my old map that was impossible. Expect a resubmit soon!

P.S. how old are you? would you believe it, i'm only a 13 yr old kid in Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore) land!


i like the crayon drawn effect.
try to make it a bit neater though.
please dont make me have to change my colour, im such a n00b, i havent unlocked any others yet!!!

to hyperninja

Why advertise for you sites when you NEVER EVEN COMMENT/RATE MY MAP??????????!!!!?????

what i mean is,

the map will require them to change the colour of their ninja. besides, am taking temporary sabbatical from NUMA for now.

check out my map

CHECK OUT MY MAP! called Invasion ep.1

No you won't

cos the person playing will only view the colour Ninja they are playing with. *faints by silliness of other ppl*


i'll be designing more flags that require specific coloured ninjas for its colour.

The flag

could be neater
but my other levels are still mediocre.....Nevermind, I'll try harder!

It's great!

It's Great! It's excellent! It's like a mini poster on my computer! Wait 'till I show my friends this! Thanks JEWEL!!!!!
and (sob) know (sob) will use c- snap for the writing and whatever next time( sob) but please can someone detail to (sob) me what each ((z,x and c snap)) (sob) is best used for (sob)? (sob)

Thanks (sob)

you were right (sob). my previous level (the 3 ways)is like, unsolvable (sob) and now i'm wetting my keyboard (sob)


Please don't use z-snap for writing and stuff like this.


not to leave too many gaps, and to use c-snap with gold writing. 3/5 for now