
Thumbnail of the map 'Agony'

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Author Tempus_Fugit
Tags author:tempus_fugit playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-09-01
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A very different level for me. A bit like an easier thwump pit from metenet. Completely possile.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'It's an Ent! It's an Octopus! It's an ENTOPUS!' Thumbnail of the map 'Mirth' Thumbnail of the map 'Trench Dash' Thumbnail of the map 'Plate Armor' Thumbnail of the map 'Rusty Trail' Thumbnail of the map 'Boston Towers'
It's an Ent! It's an Octopus! It's an ENTOPUS! Mirth Trench Dash Plate Armor Rusty Trail Boston Towers


Pages: (0)

I'm stupid!

I meant completion!!!

Awesome map...

Love the gameplay, the thwumps are amazingly placed.

An AGD and 5aved.
Demo Data
Demo Data
I love the map btw.

5aved, great gameplay.
Demo Data


I was mistaken, your names are very similar, his name was Temporis, my apologies.


Dynasty pack? I think you're asking the wrong person here. I'll take a look for it.

Very fun level

Also, where did you go for that Dynasty level pack that McP is talking about on the forums?