Which N Villain are You?

Thumbnail of the map 'Which N Villain are You?'

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Author blue_tetris
Tags author:blue_tetris bitesized rated test
Created 2006-09-04
Last Modified 2006-09-04
by 72 people.
Map Data

Description Try this personality test!!!

How it works:

Enter the fist room and then read the first statement in this description. If you consider this statement to be true of yourself, press the button in this room. If you don't think the statement applies to you, move onto the next room without hitting the button.

Move through each room, either pressing the button or passing it up, until you get to the bottom. Then complete the level (or at least try to)!

Make sure to completely hit the switches in the room if you think the statement is true. Otherwise, you may end up with poor results.


Room 1: When doing a task, I prefer to follow a specific routine instead of doing guesswork.

Room 2: I prefer to spend my free time alone, rather than with friends.

Room 3: People find me to be confrontational.

Room 4: When I put my mind to a task, I stick with it until it's complete, even if it seems impossible.

Room 5: People consider me to be a good listener.

Room 6: I usually wait for opportunities to find me, instead of seeking them out.

Room 7: When a problem arises, I am quick to tackle it instead of procrastinating.

Room 8: I prefer to do things my way, rather than take advice from others.

Room 9: When performing a task, I find patience is better than ingenuity.

Room 10: I have interests that most of my friends consider to be unusual.

What does each villain represent?

Floorguard: You are a bit of a loner sometimes, but you are very effective in completing tasks. You are diligent and thorough, but you may seem to lack in creativity sometimes.

Zap drone: You are occasionally seen as lazy, but it's only your manner of getting things done. You have a very specific routine you like to follow, even though it may not be what others consider to be normal.

Laser drone: You are diligent and thorough, but some people may consider you to be a bit snappy because of how specific you are about your business.

Chaingun drone: You live a fast-paced lifestyle and may be seen as domineering and confrontational. Some people consider you to be weird. Even so, you respond quickly and effectively to problems that arise and social dilemmas.

Thwump: You are quiet and internal. You prefer not to stand out or act in your own interests, until situations seek you out. You are usually considered to be a friendly person, though, when people get to know you.

What if I couldn't complete the level?

You are the ninja. You are very adaptable and have a wide variety of skills to help you out in different situations. A lot of people may not know what to think about you, because your true self is hidden beneath a black ninja suit.

What if I could complete the level in more than one way?

Pick whichever one has more doors open. Otherwise, pick the one closest to the left wall.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegroove' Thumbnail of the map 'I refuse to dress up for my dressing down.' Thumbnail of the map 'Damn near dawn, still dizzy from before.' Thumbnail of the map 'She spoke of marriage; it never seemed unreasonable.' Thumbnail of the map 'He grimaced as the quaffation menaced down his neck-faucet.'
Where Everybody Knows Your Name The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegroove I refuse to dress up for my dressing down. Damn near dawn, still dizzy from before. She spoke of marriage; it never seemed unreasonable. He grimaced as the quaffation menaced down his neck-faucet.


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Zap drone

But I almost got thwump, I had most doors opened to it, but locked it with 8.

Nice concept

First result: ninja...
But if i'm an enemy: chaingun.
So i'm a chaingunninja YAAAAA RATATATATA !!!

I'm the ninja

but I don't think it's correct. Reading the descriptions, I'm much more like the thwump.

I'ma thwump


thought i was gonna be laser

im 100% chaingun

great map 5/5aved

I'm thwump.

I kinda thought I'd be floorguard.

Zap drone

I thought I would be a thwump...



sweet. I am a mindfreak (mindfreak). there's no reality (only gravity).

I'm a floorguard but none of the given material describe me best lol and they all have a pesimistic aspect to it, there isn't one really good one

Never seen

so many comments on one map lol
Demo Data

I'm a

zap drone =]

Here's an idea...
Redo this idea with the nreality drones! Might be laggy, but it would be pretty cool...


I'm a zap drone.

I'm a (drum roll)





thats cool


I'm a Ninja !!!!

cool :)


I'm chain gun drone. 5aved. I like the way it works out.

I am the ninja

N powa!!!
Demo Data


and 5/5

100% zap



what if you get more than one? sorry if I missed something. I'm gonna read the description again

watch the demo. he gets the laser and the thwump.
Demo Data

Demo Data

zap drone is i

but my friend got the thwump
They all seemed sort of similar in a way. I'm just that type of person.


Why can't a Thwump complete the level? Or is my data just messed up...


oh yea thats me =P. great level completely ingenious 7/5 if i could keep up the new ideas
Not surprising at all, i am a ninja. At first i was like, what's up with that all of my doors are closed, then i read the bottom and found the small paragraph. Sweet. This was one of the coolest levels i've ever seen. Blue_tetris, you are a god
Not surprising at all, i am a ninja. At first i was like, what's up with that all of my doors are closed, then i read the bottom and found the small paragraph. Sweet. This was one of the coolest levels i've ever seen. Blue_tetris, you are a god

A zap drone is me!

No turrets though. That might be good to add for a sequel.


Actually, Thwumps were my favorite enemy in the first place.


its scary because if you go in order of most open to least, it sorry lists my traits as they go down in importance and truthfullness.

its also scary how true what i ended up with is:

Zap drone: You are occasionally seen as lazy, but it's only your manner of getting things done. You have a very specific routine you like to follow, even though it may not be what others consider to be normal.
Demo Data


im a chain gunner... this is brill map and i have to fav it. also you chose exactly how te villan actualy is like in the game laserdrones are snappy ans thurrough. as i said faved and 5ed