Now that's fast

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Author Xavier_Oddmon
Tags author:xavier_oddmon playable race unrated
Created 2006-09-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Very fast map. It's hard, but not too hard.


Pages: (0)


nevermind that replay post, that's been resolved.


Uh, i'm new to the N community, how do you view the replay data? both of them result in a corrupted map file if i paste them into the box in userlevels. If i put that data in the replay field, both are identical and wind up losing on the first few blocks. WHAT DO I DO?!


Unfortunately, it's a bit potluck whether you go too fast and get killed in a couple of sections. Also, the end flows poorly and it's a little unclear where you're supposed to go. It's a decent try at a more original kind of race, though.

Almost completion

But interesting concept. 4/5
Demo Data

a little to fast

Demo Data