NedCon Entry 00-4: Rounded Edges

Thumbnail of the map 'NedCon Entry 00-4: Rounded Edges'

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Author chasethebase
Tags action author:chasethebase playable rated
Created 2006-10-10
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Here is one of the levels (my favourite) from my NedCon 2006 entry, hope you like it!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'UFO' Thumbnail of the map 'The Cross' Thumbnail of the map 'L-Shaped Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Abyssal Tilt 1-05: Coastline' Thumbnail of the map 'Kangaroos' Thumbnail of the map 'My Kirby'
UFO The Cross L-Shaped Death Abyssal Tilt 1-05: Coastline Kangaroos My Kirby


Pages: (0)

sub 1000

:P 20-0 is the level that this reminds me of
Demo Data
And agreed, very metanetish.
I think its worth a four.
Demo Data


Looks a bit boring.
Just jumping from blob to blob.
No excitement.

first try

very metanet-y
Demo Data