Portable Wall

Thumbnail of the map 'Portable Wall'

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Author lovelybites
Tags author:lovelybites playable race unrated
Created 2006-10-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I have been working on the idea of using thwumps in a race for a while. This map isn't hard or long, but I like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Standing on a mine field' Thumbnail of the map 'Screech's sprint' Thumbnail of the map 'Black Rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Card games in the dining room'
Standing on a mine field Screech's sprint Black Rain Card games in the dining room


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Pretty good.

It got a little repetitive by the end, but still, it was an enjoyable map to play. It flowed quite well, and the idea was fun. A little more variety would be cool, and a little more length as well. 3.5/5.
Demo Data

It could flow better.

in that case

this map and my genitals have little in common