Hypercube 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Hypercube 1'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AzMiLion
Tags author:azmilion playable puzzle rated v1.3c
Created 2005-03-23
Last Modified 2005-03-23
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description this map is for a contest idea of mine wich can be found at`

hopefully fixed the no-exit error

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'hypercube Template'
hypercube Template


Pages: (0)

so close!!

Demo Data


Demo Data

Loved it

Very clever. Ninja's got your number, though. I got that gold piece hiding the mine. ...Didn't finish the rest of the level, though. I should get on that. Oh, and if anyone can help me with my "corrupted demo data" problem, I would be very appreciative.

userlevels N v1.4

this level is okay for a first. you have to take that into consideration, Jwoey. also, your name is retarded. nr (no rating)

I like this

Demo Data

Thanks Shinigami

glad to hear you like my map!
the only friend of mine that is on NUMA is SharQueDo
you should check out his first DDA.
it is awesome

So close!

Arg! I was so freaking close!!! *beats head on wall* Oh yeah, I happen to love this map Jwoey, and I don't even know this guy.
Demo Data

Exit bug returns

it seems that the exit bug still isn't fixed it spawns outside of the border
the main goal in this maps is to get to the BOTTOM right and flip al the switches in taht room then return to the bottom left so just that you know what to do


i at least try to make maps that some people like.
i have yet to see a single map from you.

Heh, like what?

What's good about it? The trap doors?

Woah Jwoey

I think you're being a little harsh. This map has good merits. And bad ones.

What the hell?

Good idea? Good map?
Its a terrible idea that's been tried and failed many times, and since when are people enjoying hidden thwumps and delay mines? My guess is you got positive feedback from friends, cause this is crap.


demo that gives you and idea of the route to follow
Demo Data

its there

you have to hit the switches in the right order to be able to return to the exit
the exit is under your start location
it's good to see that my map gets a good response,
i appreciate it!

i would like to see a demo of someone completing it to see if i forgot some traps i wanted to fix

i also submitted a template for this thing so you can make your own!


good idea and a good map

it really puts your jumping skills to the test

Wow, very nice

I really like this level. It has a level of skill and deception to it...where's the exit??