City of Blinding Lights

Thumbnail of the map 'City of Blinding Lights'

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Author Orange
Tags action author:orange playable unrated
Created 2006-11-13
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tricky. All gold is possible, but completion is much easier.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Seriously Ten' Thumbnail of the map 'Rounded Edges' Thumbnail of the map 'Elements' Thumbnail of the map 'The Long Way' Thumbnail of the map 'Through Glass' Thumbnail of the map 'Over and Under'
Seriously Ten Rounded Edges Elements The Long Way Through Glass Over and Under


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this is a really nice map. you're getting better, Orange. 4.5

p.s. i would've commented last night, but i was forced off my computer

Flash bulbs,

purple irises the camera can't see...

You shouldnt have

Put that door button at the top-right...