Wall-kicks will work

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Tags author:vengeance playable uncategorized unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-08-01
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Actually, I have version 1.3c ... but what the heck. I decided to make this to prove that you can make a hard level simply with only a small number of mines and one thomp... and, by golly, it worked. I've completed it... have you?


Pages: (0)

I can accept that.

Maybe I am looking for too much of a challenge. I just finished the last level (woohoo!) a few hours ago, so I have been playing some unbelievably difficult levels. And seeing as only a dozen people (including me) have finished episode 59, maybe some easy levels are in order. Hey, at least your levels don't give me a headache from dying so much! :]

Too Easy

When a map is difficult, it's very rewarding to finally finish it. If you can make a map that is as fun as this one and also very challenging, I will be impressed.