a proud post in the sun

Thumbnail of the map 'a proud post in the sun'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author _crescentmoon_
Tags author:_crescentmoon_ rated tileset
Created 2006-12-18
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description tileset/art
i was feeling random, cred if used

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '"A quick game gentlemen?"' Thumbnail of the map 'circle to square or square to circle?' Thumbnail of the map 'battlefield (reloaded)' Thumbnail of the map 'timing was waaaay off...' Thumbnail of the map 'caves are no place for ninjas...' Thumbnail of the map 'crystalisation'
"A quick game gentlemen?" circle to square or square to circle? battlefield (reloaded) timing was waaaay off... caves are no place for ninjas... crystalisation


Pages: (0)

You decided to make a post... Thats sad.

Sad but brilliant. Very well shaded.

Not much work went into it.

*Agrees with VV33*

Simple, but so beautiful. 4.5/5

